What do you see #94

I am trying a new prompt today. Sadje posted the following photo with the instructions that we can write an original story, poem or caption. No word limit, but keep it family-friendly.

I love reading the blog posts from the #WDYS prompts, but it wasn’t until this post that I thought I would give it a try. You see, I know this dragon.

Boris (aka 01000010 01101111 01110010 01101001 01110011), my old friend, it is nice to see you in more than binary language. I knew you the second my eyes focused on the the photo. How you were captured is beyond me. Does this mean you have left my computer? Will you be back to plague me again or has our time come to an end?

You have been with me since the days of my first personal computer…written deep within the x86 assembly and BASIC language of my MS-DOS. You have traveled with me through the years, confounding even the most skilled IT personnel with your random spell checking in Portuguese and hiding files in plain sight. Crashing programs and sending unique error messages, only to show performance anxiety when help arrives – much like your cousin, the automobile, when taken to the mechanic.

You have been resilient despite the fast advancements in computer technology. You fulfilled (and likely will continue to fulfill) your goal of causing my brain to short-circuit at the most inopportune times, helping me to keep my teeth ground down to nubs, and hands itching to reach for that sledgehammer.

Fly free and fly far.


Published by SadiRose

Blogging gets the noise in my head out...at least for a little while. I use blogging to weed through all that noise and find the humor in each situation, even if it takes some time to find it. I am not selling anything, just sharing experiences as a mother, Amma, wife, paralegal, volunteer, Muslimah, sister, daughter, mother-in-law, woman.

12 thoughts on “What do you see #94

      1. Maybe…but I’d be careful getting his binary code correct

        Maybe if it had been got right earlier he might not have caused you all this trouble. Dunno. Just a thought. I know if someone got my binary code wrong I’d be spitting chips……

        Liked by 2 people

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