Fandango’s Provocative Question #161

So for this week’s Provocative Questions, we are asked how we feel about DST. Personally, when I first moved to Arizona, I found it odd that we did NOT change the clocks, but surprisingly I adjusted to Standard Time very quickly and moving home to PA and having to change the clocks again screws with my need for routine.

Assuming you agree that we should have the same time year-round rather than moving up an hour each spring and back an hour each fall, do you favor going to permanent Daylight Saving Time or permanent Standard Time? Why do you feel that way? First of all, I do agree it should be the same time all year. I believe Standard Time is best. I don’t really have a good reason for it as for as long as I remembered as a child, we just changed the clocks. I never understood why. I am going to assume that Standard Time is how it always was before the idiot who thought DST was a “thing” showed up. I’d like things to go back to the way they were before someone decided to muck things up.

The reason I have for wanting the time changing mess to stop is that I adhere very closely to a routine. You cannot understand how it takes me DAYS to readjust my routine just because we add (or lose) an hour.

Published by SadiRose

Blogging gets the noise in my head least for a little while. I use blogging to weed through all that noise and find the humor in each situation, even if it takes some time to find it. I am not selling anything, just sharing experiences as a mother, Amma, wife, paralegal, volunteer, Muslimah, sister, daughter, mother-in-law, woman.

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