Share Your World – 3/14/23

This week’s Share Your World hosted by Di should be relatively easy to answer. Difficult answers don’t come my way lately.

What kind of music do you like? I love many genres of music, but according to the annual summaries provided by Spotify, my most listened to genre is Alternative Metal. As I may have mentioned before, it isn’t so much the music I am drawn to but rather the lyrics. But if you were to sum up all the songs in my playlist liked because I felt drawn to the lyrics, it would be Alternative Metal.

What is your favourite food? I am most partial to Indian food. As a matter of fact, one of the things I truly look forward to when Ramadan rolls around are shami kababs. I just wish I was better at making them.

What is your favourite tipple? For those who don’t drink, what do you order when out with friends? I do not go out much to places that serve alcohol, however if in that situation, I will either order a bottled water (99% of the time) or a non-alcoholic ginger beer. Cock ‘n Bull is my favorite of the ginger beers. Very sharp/spicy taste.

What relaxes you (music, reading, walking, meditation, yoga etc). I feel I would kill for the feeling of relaxation. Unfortunately, I don’t “relax” much. But before falling asleep, I listen to camping sounds (campfire, crickets, animals rustling through the woods, etc.) and I can often doze right off. Music keeps me focused, but doesn’t really “relax” me. I do yoga several times a week and although super good for a morning stretch, I can’t say it relaxes me either. Maybe the problem is I can’t remember what “relaxed” feels like?


How often do you have some ‘Me Tine’? This was one thing ordered by my counselor during my last sessions. Taking time for myself. Well, I do make time to play my three computer games each night, but that is more brain-focusing slow down time (even if my game of choice is sudoku). I would say my hot soaks in the tub and my early morning yoga are the two “me time” routines. My soaks are usually every other week (sometimes every week if I can manage it) and yoga is usually 2-3 times a week before getting ready for work.

Published by SadiRose

Blogging gets the noise in my head least for a little while. I use blogging to weed through all that noise and find the humor in each situation, even if it takes some time to find it. I am not selling anything, just sharing experiences as a mother, Amma, wife, paralegal, volunteer, Muslimah, sister, daughter, mother-in-law, woman.

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